Flood Damage Inspections Texas. (832) 548-3972
EMA engineers provide flood damage inspections Texas; New Orleans Louisiana. l’-i-lorgan City. Baton Rouge. Houston. Kingsville. Victoria. Galveston. Austin and surrounding areas. We protect ourselves and our clients from the unique challenges posed by flood-damaged buildings.
Hazards in and around flood-damaged inspections of buildings include the risks of.
the growth of large mold colonies;
Collapsing structural elements during flood damage inspections new Orleans
trip-and-fall injuries after flood damage inspections Texas:
structural collapse;
fire and explosions;
toxic sludge and materials containing waterborne bacteria; and
electrical shock hazards during flood damage inspections in new Orleans.
septic system collapse;
trip-and-fall injuries;
structural collapse;
fire and explosions;
toxic sludge and materials containing waterborne bacteria; and
electrical shock hazards.
Flood damage inspections Texas, New Orleans
Flood damage Inspections Texas & New Orleans inspects building exterior for downed power lines and gas leaks. Gas leaks will smell like rotten eggs. Lf you suspect a gas leak, contact the utility company immediately.
While entering the building, see if the door sticks at the top. If it does, this could mean that the ceiling is ready to collapse. After you open the door; stand outside the doorway, clear of any falling debris.
Wear sturdy, treaded boots. According to the American Red Cross, the most common injury following a disaster is cut feet. Broken bottles; nails, glass, and other dangerous debris may litter the floor; and stairs may be very slippery.
A flood damage inspections Texas process entails a series of steps by the flood damage inspections company. These steps are as follows:
1. Identification of the source of the flooding, Speed of flooding, etc.
This is the first process in the inspection process. Flooding may be caused by a number of factors like natural disasters as well as from the indoors. When water damage is caused by natural disasters like storms or over flowing rivers, the intrusion source becomes very obvious. However, water from indoors may cause a bit of a challenge to identify and spot their sources. These could be caused by bursting of pipes; unnoticed water sipping from the roof and into the walls for a long period oftimei and much more by our licensed engineers.
The flood damage inspections Texas 8t New Orleans engineers are trained to handle such scenarios and they come equipped with the necessary tools for the work to do flood damageinspections Louisiana. These tools include moisture detectors, thermal imaging cameras; and probes that can identify even the slightest amount of humidity in the house.
2.Classification of the water according to its sanitation level
The next step in the water damage inspection is the classification of the floodwater. The floodwater during flood inspections Texas is normally categorized into three different groups namely:
White water— this is the cleanest of the three categories as well as the easiest to recover from. This simply means that the water would not pose an immediate threat due to chemical biological contaminants. The water usually comes from rain, water heater overflows, and leaky faucets.
Grey water— this is the second cleanest of the three. It also does not pose an immediate threat to the well-being of the inhabitants of the house. Grey water can also be recovered though not as easy as for white water. The sources of these water include wash basins, baths and showers. Black water — During flood damage inspections Texas, EMA note damages caused by black water. This is by far the most damaging of the three and the worst as far as sanitation is concerned. Black water can carry toxic substances, corrosive and harmful microbes which have the capacity to ruin property and cause health hazards to the people who are exposed to them. Blackwater normally comes from the toilet, sewage discharge, washing machine runoff, and much more. The water is the hardest to clean up and can require the use of specialized equipment to handle its effects by flood damage inspections New Orleans by licensed engineers who have experience of providing flood damage inspections after hurricane Katrina and Rita.

3. Mapping the extent of damage by Flood Damage Inspections Texas
This is the final step in the water damage inspection process. The home inspector maps the extent of the water intrusion far beyond the view of the naked eye. Through the use of special equipment, the inspectors are able to identify the kind of havoc wreaked by the water intrusion. The inspectors then use this knowledge to help their client create a visual representation of the impact inflicted to give them an idea of the kind of repair work that would be needed. Recommendations are then made on the best ways to improve the property make possible upgrades, do repairs in order to keep such unfortunate happenings at bay by flood damage inspections Bahamas, New Orleans.