Roof Inspections Daytona
Roof Inspections Daytona is recognized by the roofing industry as a vital component of successful protective covering & Construction Management. Many vital areas of installation are not visible for inspection upon completion and many times are already covered over before periodic roof inspections can be made by engineers and inspectors.
Full-time Roof Inspections Corpus Christi & Quality Control Inspection provides a set of ‘eyes‘ during all phases of the installation. Critical areas such as fastening patterns of underlying insulation, mopping techniques, or glue application and drying times can be monitored for compliance with the contract documents and manufacturer’s standards when doing roof inspections in coastal areas of Texas including Houston, Austin and surrounding areas
Roof Inspections Corpus Christi
Our roof inspections Corpus Christi engineers have extensive experience to observe all phases of a roof installation to ensure materials are in compliance with project documents. Prior to the start of work, our inspectors are provided specifications, drawings, shop drawings and submittal. The inspector’s attendance at the Pre-Job Conference to provide roof inspections corpus christi with respective contractual parties allows a thorough understanding of the system installation, set-up areas, and anticipated internal disruptions. The inspector generates daily Roof lnspections Corpus Christi Reports which delineates material and installation compliance, and documents any unforeseen contingent items to the contract. Non-compliance issues are immediately addressed with the roofing contractor, design professional or building owner to ensure proper installation of the specified roofing assembly. We provide roof inspections corpus christi, Houston, Austin, Beaumont and Dallas.
Rooftop Units and Penetrations during roof inspections
Rooftop penetrations can include any vents, hatches, stacks, skylights, and HVAC equipment penetrations on your roof. Again, you will need to determine the specific order of which penetrations you will inspect first, or your path across the rooftop.
While inspecting these, ensure that any condensation from HVAC units is moving to drains properly. Check all rain caps on stacks to ensure they still keep the weather out of the stacks. You should check all seams in roof units to ensure they are watertight, and then check the area surrounding rooftop penetrations to make sure there hasn’t been any damage to the roof surface during installation or repairs.
Surface Area of the Roof
This is the simplest part of the roof inspections, but is still extremely important in preserving the life of the roof. As you are walking the roof, you will be in a constant state of inspection the surface area or field of the roof. Check for any physical damage from tools, heavy objects, hail, vandalism, or excessive foot traffic. Our engineers will be able to easily identify these damages in the roof surface because you are walking right over top of them. If you roof is sprayed polyurethane foam or has a coating on it, check for blisters or separation
Flashings, Roof Edges, Terminations, and Expansion and Control Joints
Our engineers walk around the edge of your roofing system, check for any cracks or splits at roof terminations and edges. This is often a highly vulnerable part of the roof, and problems are likely to be found here. if you have expansion joints or metal flashing on your roof, be sure to examine those and determine whether or not they are performing as expecting. Any masonry walls should be inspected to identify areas of moisture penetration or wall deterioration, if any.

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